A factory floor has a lot going at any particular instance. In order to avoid a mishap and ensure clear communication, highly visible indicators must be placed at strategic locations alongside major equipment. Operators must take special care in ensuring correct labels & varying colors to give workers a streamlined view of the current status.
Intense & bright indication is a must for such panels so that the various machine stages, including cycle hold, fault, etc. can be communicated. All such requirements are met by the S18L series of general-purpose indicators. The S18L 18mm indicator range is available with 3 independent colors per unit. The range of colors includes green, red, yellow, white, blue, turquoise, orange, sky blue, violet, and magenta.
An overview of the features is as follows:
Customers can therefore easily create customizable & clear solutions for their dynamic workspace. The indicator lights are super-bright and can eliminate any chances of confusion. The translucent face appears grey when turned off, while daylight-visible models stand out perfectly in areas of ambient light. The 18mm indicators can be used as part of a general-purpose panel or to fulfill a standalone requirement.
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