GCG Automation & Factory Solutions Knowledge Center

Watching the NASA Mars Rover Landing

Written by GCG Automation & Factory Solutions | May 31, 2024 3:35:47 PM

Our engineering and robotics team is super excited to watch history unfold today...


Neff Power engineers are watching an epic journey unfold today on Thursday, February 18th...The Perseverance rover lands on Mars!  Special thanks to Mission Control at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory for sharing this journey live on their YouTube channel!  

While Neff Power is not affiliated with this mission to Mars, we are proud onlookers as engineers make history in space exploration.

To reach the surface of the red planet, the rover robot must survive a harrowing final phase - Entry, Descent, and Landing - - as it attempts a safe landing on the surface of Mars.  

It takes excellence to achieve this amazing feat.  The Neff Power team is comprised of engineers who appreciate the excellent design of the most sophisticated six-wheeled robot ever launched into space.

Robotics and Humanity

Robotics is a field in which engineers contribute to the advancement of humanity as a whole.  

The Neff Power team of engineers and robotics specialists is proud to support the future of industrial automation on Earth.  We provide solutions in electrical control, robotics, motion control, safety, structural aluminum, pneumatics, and hydraulics.   


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