GCG Automation & Factory Solutions Knowledge Center

What are the benefits of a Cobot enabled Robotic Machine Tending (RMT) solution? - PCC A GCG Company - WI Siemens Distributor

Written by PCC | Jul 23, 2019 10:53:33 AM

Are you a machine shop owner who’s been considering automating your machine shop, but still have questions?  We’ve outlined a few of the benefits of automating your machine tending solution with collaborative robots.


  • Return on Investment: The PCC RMT solution is cost effective with an ROI of 1 year being typical.  Depending on size and the level of integration a turn-key out the door system ranges from $50K to $90K.
  • Flexibility: Unlike traditional industrial robot based solutions, the RMT is extremely flexible and can be repurposed quickly. The whole system can be moved to another machining center on a pallet jack and within hours be up and running a new job.
  • Programming: The deliverable of the turn-key system is training on the programing tool for the system. The solution has been designed so that no future programing will be required from PCC in order to create or modify programs.
  • Safety: Cobots are designed to work in close proximity with human counterparts. Because the speed and force is limited by design along with built in safety features, the level of safety gating can be reduced or all together eliminated.
  • Implementation: Although there are many variables that could impact the turn-key delivery of an RMT solution, we are talking days, not months, to have a system up and running providing an even quicker ROI.

Have more questions?  Contact us to learn more or visit our Robotic Machine Tending page here. 


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